Samsung ML 2165 printer in ubuntu

sudo bash -c 'echo "deb debian extra" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install suld-driver-4.01.17 suld-configurator-2-qt4

follow this (outdated):

and this:

Vim shortcuts

# w                = start (of next word)
# b                = beginning (of word)
# e                = end (of word)
# 3w               = move 3 words
# 9l               = move 9 chars
# 2b               = move 2 beginning of word
# #0 / $           = go to beginning/end of line
# * / #            = go to beginning/end of word (under the cursor)
# gg / G           = go to beginning / end of the file
# #G               = go to line # (ex: 5G - jumps to line #5)

# #i <string> ESC  = [repeat string # times] (ex: 3 i wot ESC = wotwotwot)
# %                = matches ( or {
# o / O            = insert blank line after/before the cursor line
# x / X            = removes char under_the_cursor / left_to_cursor
# r <new_char>     = replaces the char under the cursor with new_char
# dw               = delete word on the right. (acts like cut)
# d#e              = removes # words (on right) ex: d2e (deletes 2 words)
# e                = select word
# v                = go to visual mode (to select words and process them. ex delete 1 word : ved )

# /                = search text. [n / N => go to next/previous occurrence)

# .                = repeats the previous command
# :w               = write
# :q!              = quit without saving
# u / crtl r       = undo / redo
# :help            = best command

Update Linux kernel

* Download the files of the desired kernel to a folder.
Ex: two amd64.deb files + _all.deb file:

- linux-headers-3.3.8-030308_..._all.deb
- linux-headers-3.3.8-030308-generic_..._amd64.deb
- linux-image-3.3.8-030308-generic_..._amd64.deb
- linux-image-extra-3.3.8-030308-generic_..._amd64.deb

* in the cli, go to the folder and execute:

 sudo dpkg -i *.deb 

* Links:
* files in:
* +info:


So, following the link: we can see a lot of info regarding my problem with the machine.

Linux memory test workaround: If at the boot it displays “cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image” do: Boot > select memtest > Tab key > delete “initrd=/ubninit” > enter.


According to a Arch linux site: “Allowing Memtest86+ to run for >10 cycles without errors is usually sufficient.”
(in: )